Engineering Education 2017 Edition

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Keynote Speakers


A) Engineering service learning: the what, why, who, and how


Dr. Susan Nesbit (Professor of Teaching, Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia) has lead the development of sustainability-in-engineering curriculum and taught several courses, at all levels, that introduce engineering students to sustainability engineering concepts, and she is among the first in Canada to introduced the pedagogy of service learning into undergraduate engineering courses. Since 2006 she has worked with more than 44 different community organizations and 1000+ engineering students to complete over 44 service learning projects in and around the Metro-Vancouver area.  This ground-breaking work in service learning within Canada has been highlighted as best-practice by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in their Green Guide on global citizenship, and in other Canadian publications. Susan is recognized locally as the University of British Columbia Sustainability Initiative’s Senior Teaching Fellow. Internationally, she co-chaired the Seventh International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD2015) and is a member of the International Committee of Wise Men in EESD.

B) Including gender perspective in engineering teaching


Dr. Núria Salán, professor and deputy director of ESEIAAT (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and President of the Catalan Society of Technology, has recently been awarded the Orange and Women’s Technology Prize. She combines teaching, research and dissemination among industrial materials, teaching innovation and eliminating the invisibility of women in technological environments.

She is author of numerous articles and books, she has translated recognized texts of materials in engineering. She has co-led the design and development of a traveling exhibition on «The (in)visible ingenuity» and collaborated and promoted a program of mentoring and empowerment for students of the UPC.

C) «The potential of formal and informal spaces in engineering studies to promote global citizenship»


Carola Calabuig Tormo

Holds an Industrial Engineer PhD from the Universitat Politècnica de València, currently Director from the UPV of the Interuniversity Master in Development Cooperation. Researcher and teacher, her interests focus on topics such as sustainability, process approaches in planning and education for development, from a critical approach to economically based strategies to development. His latest publications address the concepts of cosmopolitan citizenship, university, and formal and informal learning processes. He has held university management positions related to these matters both in the UPV and in the Government of Spain (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation 2010-2012).

D) Bridging sustainable development competences to pedagogical approaches in higher education


Dr. Rodrigo Lozano is Associate Professor at the University of Gävle, Sweden and Former Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Cleaner Production. He was previously Assistant Professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and programme leader of the BA Environment and Business at the Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, UK. Rodrigo holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering (graduated with honours) from Monterrey Tec, Mexico; a MSc in Environmental Management and Policy, from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economies (IIIEE) at Lund University, Sweden; and a PhD on organizational change management for Corporate Sustainability at Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.

E) «The engineer as a socially responsible leader»


Jose Juan Caballero is Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic School of Madrid. He have developed most of his professional career in the multinational group Bekaert, which is a world leader in the manufacture of wire and steel cables for tire reinforcement. He has performed in Bekaert different functions, the last one as Director of TQM (Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing) for the 22 plants of Bekaert’s Steelcord division in the world. This position was combined with the Human Resources Division of Ubisa, the Bekaert factory in Burgos.
For three years now, he has been running the family business Molienda and Granulación S.L. and he dedicates part of his time to other projects:
• Advisor for companies in the elaboration of their strategic plan and transformation processes.
• Support to young entrepreneurs.
• Collaborate with parents and teachers in the dissemination and practice of new ways of considering and practicing the education of our children and students.
• Provide Personal Leadership workshops according to his own methodology.
His current objective is to contribute with his experience to the continuity and growth of the family business and the development of other people and organizations.



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Organizing committee


  • ­­Luis Cabedo Mas (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Teresa Guraya Diez (Universidad del País Vasco)




  • Sari Vidal Nadal (UJI)
  • Leonor Hernández López (UJI)
  • Isabel Giménez García(UJI)
  • Domingo García Marzá (USR Commissioner UJI)
  • Lola Martínez Rodrigo(GEM-UJI)
  • Ana Piquer Vicent (GETI-UJI)
  • Raúl Izquierdo Escrig (GEDIDP-UJI)


  • Idoia Fernandez (ViceRector for Innovation, Social Responsability and Cultural Acivity)
  • Estíbaliz Saez de Camara (Chair of the Office for Sustainability)
  • Leire Imaz (Chair of the Office for Gender Equality)


  • Vicent Climent Jordà (Rector of the Universitat Jaume I)
  • Nekane Balluerka Lasa (Rector of the Universidad del País Vasco)


  • CIDET (

Scientific commitee

Teresa Guraya Diez (Service-learning and social commitment)

Joseba Sainz de Murieta (Engineering and development co-operation)

Enkarni Gómez Genua (Gender)

Dídac Ferrer Balas (Sustainability)

Óscar González Alcántara (Corporate and business social responsibility)


Location of the event

The FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING EDUCATION FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY will be held at the “Social Council Building” in the Universitat Jaume I Campus in Castelló de la Plana (Spain).